Every year the Seminary admits students to senior one, who have completed Primary seven, and to senior five, students who have completed senior four.
Procedure. Applicants must present themselves to the Priests at the Parish early enough, and inform them about their desire to join the seminary. Qualified students must fill the seminary application form and submit it to the seminary preferably before sitting the interview or on the day of the interview together with other requirements. Aspirants to join senior five, from other schools must come with an application letter, and pick the printed forms from the Seminary in the 3rd term.
12.2 Requirements.
A duly filled application form
Baptism ticket
A copy of the marriage certificate of the parents
A recommendation from the head teacher of the former school
A recommendation of the Parish Priest
Interview results for entrants to senior one
UCE results for entrants to senior five.
Procedure. Applicants must present themselves to the Priests at the Parish early enough, and inform them about their desire to join the seminary.